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Terms of Service

Welcome to DiffAlert! By using our service, you agree to these terms. If you don’t agree, please don’t use the site.

1. Who We Are

DiffAlert is run by an individual. We help users set up automated requests (GET, POST, etc.) and notify them of changes in responses.

2. What You Can and Can’t Do

You can use DiffAlert to monitor websites and get alerts when things change. However, you’re responsible for making sure your requests don’t harm DiffAlert. For example, don’t overwhelm websites with too many requests or try to bypass their security.

If we find you’re using the service inappropriately, we may ban your account.

3. What We Collect

To provide the service, we collect and store:

  • URLs, headers, and tokens (encrypted) for the requests you set up
  • Headers and body of the responses to those requests
  • Your name, email, and password (encrypted)

We take your privacy seriously, and your data is protected with encryption.

4. Payments

Our service runs on a points system: 1 point = 1 request. You can buy points through our payment partner, Lemon Squeezy. Points are non-refundable, so please purchase wisely.

5. Liability

While we aim to provide a reliable service, we’re not responsible for missed notifications, downtime, or any other issues related to the performance of the site. We also can’t be held responsible for any consequences of how you use the service.

6. Termination

If we detect any inappropriate behavior, such as misuse of our platform or harm to other sites, we reserve the right to ban your account without notice.

7. Global Service

We operate globally, so these terms apply no matter where you’re located. However, you are responsible for following the laws of your country when using our service.

8. Changes to Terms

We may update these terms from time to time. If we make significant changes, we’ll let you know via email or by posting an update on the site.

Updated at: 7 Sep 2024